red persimmon season 柿子紅了

To dry persimmons by sun 曬柿餅Mr. Wu and his watercolor painting 吳烈偉老師與紅柿彩墨畫To paint the red persimmons 繪紅柿persimmon tree 柿子果樹Picking the persimmons 靜宜姐採柿子Picking the persimmons 靜宜姐採柿子
Picking the persimmons 靜宜姐採柿子Picking the persimmons 靜宜姐採柿子靜宜姐採柿子 Red persimmons靜宜姐採柿子 Red persimmonsTo dry persimmons 曬柿餅To dry persimmons by sun 曬柿餅
To dry persimmons by sun 曬柿餅To dry persimmons by sun 曬柿餅to make the dried persimmon cake 曬柿餅To dry persimmons by sun 曬柿餅Peeling persimmons 削皮bless the bride with golden persimmons 柿柿如意
say good luck with golden persimmons 柿柿如意+好柿成雙say good luck with golden persimmons 柿柿如意+好柿成雙柿餅婆To dry persimmons 河東堂前曬柿餅

Flickr 上 *dans 的相片集 red persimmon season 柿子紅了

輕旅行、小旅行的最佳選擇!(9-01月)天天開放 免費參觀
